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Dot Com Boom ...

It almost seems light years away since all that boom and bust but lessons have hopefully been learnt.

This book is about one part of that orgasm of greed.

Who can blame all these folks in finance when all of society including the media seems so breathless in talking about and applauding their money-making genius.

We never get similarly breathless in discussing scientific achievements ...

Did you hear about the Fred Hutchinson scientists who have managed to find a way to shorten the time it takes for the human body to accept cord blood!!! That one is going to be a life saver for leukemia patients but it's not quite as exciting to talk about that as it to talk about fancy yachts belonging to a multimillionaire.

How exciting to see that final Hubble servicing mission happen in real time live on NASA TV!!!

Or, may be not as exciting as celebrity gossip ...

Harried as we are with our stressed out lives, we look for relaxation in soft news and democracy slows turns into a caricature of itself. Few people in key positions learn to manipulate laws and regulations to their advantage and proceed to become overnight millionaires and billionaires.

The irony is that it is precisely this competitive and egotistic aspect of human nature which often leads to our progress.

So, may be, we'll just have to learn to live with the many distortions ...


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